

  • All players must check-in with the supervisor and be on a valid roster before they are allowed to play.
  • 一名球员只能为一支球队效力.
  • Teams may add players to their roster up until the last game of round robin play.
    • However, that player must not have played for another team during the same season.
  • 玩家不能“跳队”. Failure to observe this rule will result in a forfeit.
  • Ideally, the field of play will consist of nine defensive fielders and one offensive pitcher.
  • 每支球队都可以选择10号球员th
    • This player will act as a rover and can play as a fourth outfielder.
  • If a team presents with less than the ideal number of players, then they may continue to play the game as long as the co-ed requirement is fulfilled.
    • Teams, at a minimum, have to bat the number of people that they have playing in the field.
      • There is no maximum to the number of players a team can have in their batting order.
      • All players listed in the batting order must at least play one inning in the field.
    • 不允许夹跑. If a player bats, they must proceed to run the bases.
Teams must have at least TWO members of any under-represented gender on the field at all times.
  • 球队应该选择10分吗th 外野手,他们至少有三个 members of any under-represented gender(s) on the field.
  • 每场比赛将持续一小时, 2) 7局, 3) 5局后10分, 或4)三局后15跑垒规则.
  • No inning will be started after 55 minutes of play.
  • There are no extra innings during season play, games may end in a tie.
    • 在比赛期间, extra innings (one inning at a time) will be granted until a winner is determined.
  • Games will be considered official after 4 full innings of play.
    • In the case a game is called due to inclement weather, 已经打了4局, the final score will be recorded as what it was in the last full inning of play.
  • 罚没是“一劳永逸”的意思, 一旦发生罚没, your team will be removed from the season and/or tournament. A forfeit will be assessed if a team does not observe the co-ed rule, 比赛迟到超过10分钟吗, 不显示为一场比赛, 或者和其他球队的球员一起打球. 
  • 在恶劣天气的情况下, the decision to cancel games will be made by the 康乐署署长 at 3:00 p.m. 那一天.
  • Every effort will be made to reschedule any cancellations due to weather restrictions.
  • 在恶劣天气的情况下 during gameplay, we will observe the 体育运动 Department lightening policy.
  • The home team will be determined at the beginning of the game by a bat toss.
  • The ball must be pitched underhand and must arch at least six feet but no more than 12 feet in height from the ground.
    • This must happen or a "no pitch" will be called. A "no pitch" WILL count as 1 of the 3 pitches.
  • 禁止狩猎.
    • Bunting is defined as any attempt by the batter to avoid swinging the bat all the way through.
  • The batting team will provide their own pitcher each inning.
    • The batting team pitcher must remain on the field until the play is considered dead.
  •  每位击球手只能投3球.
    • 不允许散步.
    • A foul ball on the third pitch counts as an out.
  •  If a batter hits the ball and it bounces off of the pitcher and goes out-of-bounds, 这将被视为一次重新推销. 
  • 每队必须派一名捕手.
    • 接球手不得挡住本垒板.
  • The runner may only advance one extra base on an overthrow.
    • If the runner is already making an attempt at advancement at the time of the overthrow, 得到底+ 1.
    • This rule is in effect if a non-participant interferes with the play.
  • The runner may not leave the base until the batter has made contact with the ball.
    • Therefore, no leading off or stealing a base is allowed.
  • Teams must establish a batting order prior to the game and follow the order throughout.
    • A player not in the original batting order may sub in (and take someone else's spot in the line up).
    • Batting out of order will result in an OUT.
  • Foul balls will be called along each baseline at the umpire's discretion.
  • 不允许使用金属夹板或金属钉.
  • 在势均力敌的比赛中,赛跑者必须滑行.
    • A close play is when the ball is directly on its way to the plate in question.
  • Before the mercy rule comes into effect, there is a 10 run limit per team per inning.
  • 关于塔特科学, a homerun is constituted as a fly ball that fully clears the path surrounding the outfield.
    • As soon as the ball hits a surface beyond the path, the play is dead, and a homerun is awarded.
    • A ball can be caught beyond the path as long as it has not hit any surface prior.
  • 在塔瓦广场, a homerun is constituted as a fly ball that fully clears either the E/W or N/S path outlining the outfield. 
  • Fly balls that hit any of the trees in the field will be considered "in bounds" and played on accordingly. 
  • A ground rule double can be called be the defending team if the ball clears the path, 但不是全垒打.
    • 利用基本规则,双重规则, the defender must put both hands in the air as soon as the ball completely clears the path.
    • A ground rule double may NOT be called on a error by the defender. 
  • The play is considered dead, and no runners may advance once the ball is given to the pitcher.
    • The batting team's pitcher must not interfere with the fielding team's attempt to end the play.
  • Roster changes are permitted throughout the regular season, 然而, any names added to your roster may not be listed on another roster. Your roster will be considered "frozen" as soon as the post-season tournament starts.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/18/2022


康乐署署长 & 健身中心

