
Spiritual Life at 科罗拉多大学 is designed to assist students and members of the community in exploring themselves in a variety of contexts, 包括精神上, 在学业上, 和个人. The 牧师的办公室 serves as a steward of this exploration and encourages CC community members to seek ways that build on their learning outcomes of the religious diversity in the United States and the world. 这一使命的核心是教育. We wish to maintain an environment that represents many perspectives of religious expression and provides students with options while respecting the opinions and outlooks of everyone. We are committed to religious and spiritual pluralism that enriches our campus in multiple ways. The heart of our work is nurturing student growth by fostering space for belonging, 包容, 转换, 和集成. Recognizing that the nature of the college is to discuss and explore, Spiritual Life Advisors will support a climate of shared inquiry and inclusive/respectful dialogue related to religious/spiritual life and human diversity, 尤其是与种族有关的, 种族, 能力, 性别, 以及性取向.

记住这一点, we welcome groups to be a part of this educational and spiritual growth experience but also ask them to maintain the policies of a private liberal arts college and the regulations set forth by the 牧师的办公室. The in能力 to follow the established guidelines below will result in terminating the relationship of a given religious organization with CC and activities with students will no longer be permitted.

  • 在赌博正规的十大网站是不允许传教的. CC is a community that strives to respect religious pluralism and freedom of choice. We welcome the distribution of information of your organization in a way that does not intrude on the personal space and opinions/beliefs of CC community members and gives the individual the option to learn more regarding your organization and faith, 或不. Any persistence in this area will result in warnings from the Chaplain to the College and Associate Dean of 学生. Continued behavior in this manner will result in no longer being permitted on campus.
  • The 牧师的办公室 requires all external spiritual advisors to the campus to wear a name tag that indicates your name and the group you are with when you are on campus at all times, 包括在编程活动期间. This includes when meeting students for coffee hours, 接待活动, 宗教活动, 漫步校园, 等. It is important for you as a Spiritual Life Advisors to be able to be clearly identifiable to students and other CC employees that you interact with. 然而, 记住这一点, it is important to the Chaplains' Office that your name and religious/spiritual group is made visible to the CC campus when you are on campus. Our office will provide basic name tags if you need them. Many of you have official name tags connected to your organizations/spiritual and religious groups that you are welcome to use. Please also note that while we are here to help guide you and your work at CC, you are not representatives of the 牧师的办公室 or Shove Memorial Chapel. 除了, approaching students on campus walkways to distribute information or engaging students (with whom you have not established a working relationship previously) is not permitted.
  • You will also be issued special edition CC ID cards which you will need to carry with you at all times.
  • All new spiritual advisors must go through the required background checks in order to be on campus and interact with students. The 牧师的办公室 will pay the cost upfront for the background checks, but the necessary CC ID cards you will need will be distributed once the spiritual advisor has paid back the 牧师的办公室 for the cost of the background check inquiry.
  • Tables in the lobby area of Worner must be reserved through the Chaplain's Administrative Assistant, 布兰迪·拉乔基 blachocki@whqlhg.com or (719) 389-6638. We only permit Worner table reservations for occasional and special events and it is not designed to be used on a consistent basis. Please use the table hours to distribute information and to meet students. We ask that you stay within the boundaries of the table and to engage with students within that space only and if you are invited to do so by the student. 校园安全 will check regularly that all groups are using reserved and appropriate spaces. Individuals and groups using spaces that are not reserved through Brandy Lachocki will be issued a warning by our 校园安全 officers.

    Please read our updated guidelines on tabling here: 嵌合政策

  • 你也可以预约, 偶尔, space in the Interfaith House and Sacred Grounds in Shove Memorial Chapel through Brandy.
  • Entry and use of the residential hall areas (both inside the buildings and the courtyards) and the CC gym facilities are not permitted.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/15/2021