
学生 pursuing the major in our department have two options: the Hispanic Studies major 和 the Romance Languages major.


The Hispanic Studies major allows students to appreciate the cultural 和 artistic diversity of the Americas 和 the Iberian Peninsula through interdisciplinary 和 comparative study. 所有学生都需要参加SP305(或SP312)和SP306, courses that help them advance their written 和 oral expression skills as well as provide them with a more panoramic 和 theoretical introduction to cultural studies in 西班牙语; however, 除了这些课程, 我们的课程很灵活. 学生 will take three core courses in the major 和 select four elective courses in consultation with their major advisors 和 in accordance with their individual interests.

 学生 may also take one of their elective credits in 葡萄牙语 language or Topics in Lusophone Culture, 或经批准并指定为CLAC的课程, “跨课程的文化和语言”, 或在相关领域,并由部门批准. 学生可以选择其中一门课程来获得学分.

在他们大四的时候, the “Culminating Project” (SP 433) allows students to further refine their academic writing skills 和 to reflect on the value of a Liberal Arts education from the perspective of our discipline. 学生 who are considering graduate study or who have a particular re搜索 interest will still have the opportunity to work with a faculty advisor on a thesis project (SP 432) should they wish. This project will be approved in consultation with the faculty advisor 和 Department Chair. 


  • SP305或SP312
  • SP306
  • 三个主题核心课程:
  1. SP350“跨大西洋研究”
  2. SP360《赌博正规的十大网站》
  3. SP370“体裁研究”
  • Four 300-level elective courses; may include one CLAC designated interdisciplinary course or one PG designated course or one relevant course taught outside of the department 和 approved by student petition; may include up to 2 units of 转移信用 非cc出国留学项目.
  • SP433终极项目


(Primary language in 西班牙语; second language focus in French, Italian or 葡萄牙语)


  • 两个必修课程:305(或312)和306
  • 四门300级的文学或文化课程
  • 一门毕业论文或专题(432或433)


  • 法语,意大利语或葡萄牙语:305和2个额外的文化或文学课程


  • 101级西班牙语,法语,意大利语,葡萄牙语或拉丁语



SP433:最终项目 The culminating project consists of two components: a portfolio of revised essays, 包括一篇反思性文章, 和口头报告. The portfolio is an opportunity for reflection 和 refinement of both written expression 和 thematic foci from the perspective of our discipline. 学生 will work closely with a series of essays written in prior upper-level courses (beyond SP306) to develop a portfolio of closely edited 和 re搜索ed short essays 和 an extensive final critical reflection. 作品集中的主题和写作风格会因学生而异. 学生 will work in consultation with the professor to determine the essays appropriate for revision for the portfolio. 这门课程一般在第七区开设. 在课程结束时, all students will give an oral presentation in the 西班牙语和葡萄牙语系座谈会.


学生将写3-5篇论文,总页数在25-35页左右. These will be written in advanced courses (beyond SP306) that address a variety of theoretical approaches, 历史时期, 和/或对各种类型的深入研究. 在与教授这门课的教授协商后, 学生将确定需要改进的地方, 修改和/或扩展这些核心论文. This revision process will include peer editing from within the cohort of majors completing the culminating project simultaneously. 

In addition, students will write an extensive final critical reflection (10-12 pages). 在这篇评论文章中, students will reflect on the field of Hispanic Studies through the lens of their prior work 和 in consultation with the faculty person leading the course. This reflection will respond to guiding questions such as: What are the core theoretical approaches in the field of Hispanic Studies? 这个研究领域的范围是什么? What are the questions that most interest the student 和 what are the methods that they use to find these answers? 这些答案的利害关系是什么? 关于这个领域的学习,学生是如何定位的? 为了构建自己的学习框架,他们必须回答关于自己的哪些问题?

 最后, all students will give an oral presentation upon completion of the culminating project as part of the 西班牙语 和 葡萄牙语 Department Senior Colloquium, 赌博正规的十大网站社区开放的年度活动. This oral presentation will be approximately 10 minutes long 和 will include components of the reflective essay. These oral presentations will be developed in conjunction with the professor teaching the course 和 rehearsed in advance prior to the public presentation; this will be a graded component of the course.

学生 who are considering graduate study who have a specific re搜索 interest 和 a minimum 3.7 GPA in the major may petition to work with a faculty advisor on a Senior Thesis project (SP 432). 这份请愿书必须是 提交 在大四第一部分结束之前. 请愿书 是用西班牙语还是葡萄牙语写的. 500个单词必须包括一个既定的研究课题, 一个研究问题, 和 make a clear case for why the student is interested in pursuing a specific re搜索 topic. 包括第一手和第二手资料的参考书目. 请愿书将由整个部门进行审查.

最后的论文将是40-50页的长度. The work will be carried out independently under the supervision of a thesis director, 最好是学生研究领域的专家. The student will produce three drafts of the thesis 和 meet with the director at least once a week in individual meetings to discuss the draft. 论文将展示足够和明确的书面西班牙语熟练程度, 对相关文化作品的批判性分析, 以及研究领域的综合研究. 它将在西班牙语和葡萄牙语系高级研讨会上提出, 赌博正规的十大网站社区开放的年度活动. Prerequisite: SP409, CO391, CO430, or a pre-approved re搜索 methods course in the Humanities.

学生将以电子方式将完成的论文提交至 数字CC 为保护.


The Colloquium is an opportunity for all Hispanic Studies 和 罗曼语专业s to share their re搜索 和 writing at the culmination of their coursework. The Colloquium takes place in the third week of Block 7 of each year 和 consists of a series of 10 minute presentations. These presentations will be evaluated by the tenured 和 tenure-track faculty in the department 和 will be graded based on the following criteria:

  1. 组织
  2. 表达清晰
  3. 内容 
报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/06/2023